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If I can stop one heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain.
If I can ease one life the aching
or cool one pain.

Or help one fainting Robin
unto his nest again
I shall not live in vain.

Emily Dickinson

Do I have to commit to a certain frequency or amount of session?

No, you can make one appointment, or as many as you like. It is completely up to you. If you consider supervision as an ongoing support ( other than case consultation) I suggest to plan at least for monthly appointments.


How and when do you work?

Sessions are via Zoom. I will send you a Zoom invite. Working flexible hours makes it usually easy to find a mutually suitable time. However, I will travel and time difference will make it for example necessary to have sessions after 3pm ( Melbourne time) while I am in Europe.


What is your cancellation policy?

I do not charge for cancellations or ‘no shows’. I do understand that things can happen, making it impossible to attend. But I reserve the right to seize holding the space and providing supervision if it is a reoccurring event.

Fees are tax deductible for private practitioners. If you work in an organisation you could ask them to pay for your external supervision as an act of best practice.

Sessions of  60 minutes: $180


Some of my supervisees find it beneficial to have more time to either present a case in depth or dive deeper into a topic. That is why I also offer:

Sessions of 90 minutes: $250
Sessions of 120 minutes: $300

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